Banished — это инди-градостроитель, разработанный Shining Rock Software, но есть ли другие лучшие игры, такие как Banished. Хотя в нем отсутствуют какие-либо долгосрочные цели, он реализует стратегический план в этот процесс строительства города, где вы должны планировать заранее и балансировать между множеством плюсов и минусов; однако, возможно, без какой-либо долгосрочной цели или задачи вы не чувствуете никакого желания продолжать игру
Итак, вы могли бы искать другого строителя города, чтобы привлечь ваше внимание
Товар | Марка | имя | Цена |
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2K | Коллекция Stronghold — ПК | Проверить цену на Amazon |
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Ubisoft | Anno 2205 — ПК — стандартное издание | Проверить цену на Amazon |
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Electronic Arts | SimCity Города будущего | Проверить цену на Amazon |
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Калипсо Медиа | Полная коллекция Tropico 5 — PlayStation 4 | Проверить цену на Amazon |
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Три Синергия | Cities: Skylines (Microsoft Windows, GNU / Linux, Mac OS) | Проверить цену на Amazon |
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Тем не менее, мы составили этот исчерпывающий список наших любимых игр-строителей, таких как Banished. Вот некоторые из наших любимых:
7. Evil Genius
Website: http://www.mobygames.com/
So, we have come to the middle of this list of games like banished and what we have next is Evil Genius. This is a type of simulation game where you need to use the real-time strategy as key. This is developed by Elixir Studios and was released in 2004.
This is a single player game which you can categorize under the category of god games too. You can play this game on windows or Cloud.
The plot of this game in the era of 60s and 70s and you will find the game loosely inspired by James Bond series of movies. You would not find a game like this where the player is supposed to portray the role of a villainous force.
This is what makes this one different from other games like banished in this list. You will like the visuals which are cartoonish like and what takes away the cherry on the cake is its incredible humor. You will feel like playing a spy game. However, the ultimate goal in the game remains to be building only.
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Project AURA
Project AURA – эдакий Banished в космосе. Землян постигла страшная участь по их же собственной вине. Глобальное потепление повлекло за собой катастрофические изменения климата, сделав планету едва ли пригодной для жизни. Люди залезли в криогенные камеры и стали ждать.
Когда же наш век подошел к концу, проблем стало еще больше, поэтому все, что остается бедному человечеству – пытаться выжить в этих суровых условиях. Конечно, у него все есть убежища, в которых можно укрыться и подождать лучших времен, но это не выход. И в таком мире вам придется заниматься развитием поселения, обучать и удовлетворять потребности выживших после катастрофы.
Проект находится в раннем доступе и пока поддерживает только английский и испанский языки.
Planetbase is an immersive space strategy game like Banished set on a remote planet.
Here, your job would be to manage the survival of the last human outpost by setting up defenses against meteor showers while also deciding which structures are important to build and guarantee the colony’s survival.
In the game, you would be playing as the head architect of the colony. You would also oversee certain aspects of the colony’s wellbeing such as monitoring food level, water level, resource level, and even oxygen level in the colony.
- Release Date: 15th October 2015
- Developer: Madruga Works
- Platform Supported: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC (Microsoft Windows, macOS)
Get it Here: Steam
В этой игре вам предстоит управлять колонией чудом выживших в крушении космического корабля поселенцев на полной опасностей планете. А для выживания нужно грамотно распоряжаться имеющимися скудными ресурсами и внимательно следить за состоянием здоровья своих подопечных (как психического, так и физического). В этом игра очень похожа на Banished.
А ключевым отличием RimWorld от других подобных игр является наличие Рассказчика, который обрушивает на головы колонистов различные неприятности, от нашествия плотоядных жуков до вспышки звезды.
Но и без козней Рассказчика жизнь поселенцев не сахар – в округе бродят дикие звери и жестокие рейдеры, а климат планеты нельзя назвать дружественным. Выжить здесь можно только грамотно распределяя задачи между колонистами и предугадывая грядущие проблемы. Так что, если вы хотите пощекотать нервы и проверить свои навыки стратегического планирования, добро пожаловать!
SimCity 4
SimCity 4 is an updated version of the popular city-building simulation game SimCity, which tasks players with the management of a virtual city and the creation of a thriving economy. The game has a good system of transportation, an active economy, and a diverse selection of building options to choose from.
You will have the highest possible level of control over the transportation network in your city when you fully assume control of all modes of transportation, including automobiles, trains, airplanes, boats, and rivers. You will be tasked with completing U-Drive It! missions, such as tracking down a bank robber or apprehending a carjacker. Select from an entirely new set of road types, such as wide avenues, suspension bridges, or one-way streets, and also design seamless regional networks that quickly transport Sims from one city to another.
10. Tycoon City: New York
Website: https://www.humblebundle.com/
The last selection that I did in this list is about Tycoon City: New York. Just like most other games like banished, it is also a city building game. This game is developed by Deep Red Games and published by Atari. This single player game was released in 2006 and you can play it on windows.
As the name of this game make it clear, the plot of this game revolves around building the city of New York. You need to especially pay attention towards building the island of Manhattan.
You are given the task of building the main landmarks of the city like United Nations Headquarters, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Chrysler Building etc. There are two modes in which the game can be played.
In the first one namely, “Build New York” mode, the player must build New York district by district. The building spree starts from the Greenwich Village and the player can proceed by completing several important tasks in the game.
The next one is the sandbox game which gives the full liberty to the player to construct in whichever way he wants. I guess the sandbox mode is much fun.
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Gnomoria is a fun strategy sandbox game with innate city-building mechanics. It is one of the best sandbox games like Banished for Mac and Windows.
The only big difference between the two games is that you are in charge of gnomes settlements in Gnomoria compared to human settlements in Banished!
One of the best things about Gnomoria is that it also adds some touch of fantasy thanks to immersive and well-detailed graphics.
From constructing and deconstructing buildings to acquiring wealth and resources while wandering the world, there is so much to do in Gnomoria.
How well you make decisions would be key in helping your gnomes avoid enemies because the wealthier your settlement becomes, the more powerful the enemies you attract.
- Release Date: 23rd February 2016
- Developer: Robotronic Games
- Platform Supported: Steam, PC (Windows and Linux)
Get it Here: Steam
Cities: Skylines
Cities: Skylines is a completely updated version of the traditional city simulation genre. By doing so, it also expands on some well-established themes that are associated with the city-building experience. The goal of these additional gameplay features is to recreate the excitement and challenges that come with building and maintaining a real city.
Learning how to build your city from the ground up is simple, but becoming an expert at it is challenging. As the mayor of your city, you will be tasked with ensuring that your city meets all of its fundamental criteria. You will also maintain a healthy real economy. These requirements include but are not limited to education, water and electricity, police, fire fighting, healthcare, and many more. People within your city respond to a variety of gameplay circumstances. It is with gravitas, and in a way that gives off an impression of authenticity.
Cities: Skyline
As the name suggests, Cities: Skyline is a city-construction simulation game. You take on the role of a mayor in the game and you’ll be faced with many strategy-related issues, i.e. police, electricity, education, water, healthcare and other things related to managing a city.
This game also comes with a well developed traffic simulation that would add to the authenticity of the game. It’s a good alternative to play, especially if you love to visualize yourself building a city from ground up. It’s all up to your imagination.
Skyline also comes with the day and night cycle, where you will find less traffic and some areas at slower productivity in the night time. You need to plan wisely to take into account of these variables.
Judgment: Apocalypse Survival
Talking about games that arguably offer a little bit more than Banished, Judgment: Apocalypse Survival offers so much action and city-building alongside a great storyline that has you hooked from start to finish.
The plot of the game is simple: You must battle dread demons from hell in the hopes of stopping them from killing all humanity.
To act as the last line of human defense, build a base, craft weapons, and try your possible best to ensure your base survives round after round of demon attacks.
Although many might be quick to say the game sounds a lot more like an action game, the world-building dynamics of the game make it one of the best casual strategy games like Banished on PC.
- Release Date: 11th April 2016
- Developer: Suncrash
- Platform Supported: PC (Microsoft Windows)
Get it Here: Steam
If you’re looking for a game like Banished, Rimworld is definitely a good choice. It has a 10/10 rating on this game, even though it’s considered as an early access game.
Rimworld has a sci-fi setting where you take control of a few survivors of a shipwreck. You have to start managing their moods, needs, illnesses and so on. The unique thing is that each person you take control of has their own character and they won’t do certain things. For e.g. you can’t ask a nobleman to do physical work.
Rimworld also has plenty of features like taming pets, training beasts, trading with other ships, decorating your colony, capturing refugees or prisoners, building colonies in the desert and so many other stuff. Your colonists also have opinions of others, for e.g. they may get married or even fight with each other.
With so many different variables in this game, it’s no wonder that it’s still in early access. It’s definitely not easy to program a huge amount of variables into the game.
Next on the list of games like Banished is none other than Planetbase. Unlike the others that are based on planet earth, Planetbase is set in space. You’re in control of space settlers that are trying to build an outpost on some other planet. It’s sort of similar to Rimworld.
You have to supervise your colonists and tell them where to build the relevant structures for survival. They also need a consistent supply of food, water and definitely oxygen. You can also ask them to mine metal, grow food like hydroponic vegetables, harness energy and so on.
Each person has different skills, so you need to ensure you’re using them for the right positions. It’s a pretty fun game to play if you don’t mind failing the first time.
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Как в старые и не очень добрые времена, храбрейшие и сильнейшие из викингов подняли паруса своих драккаров и отправились на поиски новых земель, богатств и приключений. Их ждал успех – открытие Нордгарда изменило жизнь северян.
Теперь развивать свое поселение, воевать, торговать и слагать висы богам предстоит уже на новой, практически неизведанной земле, кишащей опасностями, начиная от диких зверей и заканчивая ожившими мертвецами.
Игроку нужно взять под контроль первооткрывателей, обучить их разным ремеслам, чтобы обеспечить выживание и развитие поселения, вести завоевательные войны, открывать новые территории и даже договариваться с йотунами.
Земля с ее красочными пейзажами осталась далеко вместе с ее проблемами, а вам предстоит заняться обустройством колонии на других планетах разной степени приветливости.
Вы будете строить разные модули, необходимые для удовлетворения тех или иных нужд колонистов, следить за самочувствием своих подопечных, расширять их владения и улучшать качество жизни.
Поселенцы выполняют работу по принципу «кто на что учился»: инженеры занимаются созданием новых модулей, оружия, микросхем, роботов и их ремонтом, биологи отвечают за еду, охранники обеспечивают безопасность колонии и т. д. Роботы тоже делятся на несколько видов и выполняют строго определенную работу.
Условия на разных планетах разные, где-то выживать довольно просто, а где-то кажется и вовсе невозможным. Например, на Пустынной планете вам будут меньше грозить метеориты, солнечные панели смогут работать на полную, а на Штормовой будут мешать постоянные грозы, низкая плотность атмосферы и прочие неприятности.
In Foundation, the players are tasked with running a city and expanding their area while simultaneously tackling a variety of difficulties, including the administration of resources and the conduct of diplomatic relations. The game includes a one-of-a-kind building system that does not rely on grids, as well as a dynamic economy and a comprehensive technology tree.
For more related content check out our dedicated website Gamition.
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Ara Fell
Год выхода: 2016
«Ara Fell» – уникальный проект, который смог в себе совместить стилистику популярных RPG и восточных ролевых игр.
Действия игры разворачиваются на летающем острове, в котором мирно сосуществуют дварфы и люди. Все кажется прекрасным, вот только не будь конфликта – не было бы и игры. Помимо мирных рас, на острове проживают и менее дружелюбные существа – вампиры. Именно с ними тебе и предстоит вести борьбу.
Кроме этого, исследуй просторы уникального мира, прими участие в ураганных тактических сражениях, решай головоломки, познакомься с харизматичными героями! Будь уверен – бесценный игровой опыт тебе гарантирован.
Surviving Mars
Surviving Mars is all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process of doing so. Before you decide where your colony will be located, you should select a space agency to provide you with supplies and financial support. Building domes and other infrastructure, doing research on new opportunities, and making use of drones are all good methods to uncover more complex ways to build and expand your city. After a long day of labor, you can choose to unwind at the bar, mine for minerals, or cultivate your own food supply.
But, ensuring that your colonists do not perish is of the utmost importance. On this strange new world, the task at hand is not a simple one. There will be obstacles that need to be conquered. Carry out your strategy and bolster the odds of survival for your colony all while delving further into the wonders of this otherworldly environment. Are you ready? Mars is eagerly awaiting your arrival.
My Time At Portia
Год выхода: 2019
Твоему вниманию предлагается постапокалиптический открытый мир. В игре «My Time At Portia» ты станешь владельцем мастерской по изготовлению реликвий прошлого, которые помогут улучшить общество.
Отправляйся в небольшой городок под названием Портия, чтобы заняться тем, чем захочешь… Особенность игры заключается в неограниченных возможностях – игрок может делать все, что пожелает: путешествовать по огромному миру, заниматься фермерством, заводить романы, устраивать морские прогулки и просто радоваться жизни!
Конечно, в игре «My Time At Portia» не обошлось и без сюжета – тебе нужно восстановить мастерскую и сделать так, чтобы она начала приносить прибыль.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV
As you can probably already guess from the title, this is the fourteenth (14th) game in the series.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV lets you play as one of the most influential individuals during the old Chinese wars. You will be tasked with building cities as well as research and strategies intelligence that would help you win battles.
While the combat system is very different from what you would expect in a game of its genre, its world-building dynamics land it a spot on the list of the best games similar to Banished.
- Release Date: 16th January 2020 (Japan); 28th February 2020 (Global)
- Developer: Koei Tecmo
- Platform Supported: Playstation 4, PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo Switch
Get it Here: Amazon
Life is Feudal: Forest Village
Saving the best for last we have the Life is Feudal Series.
Life is Feudal: Forest Village is one of the best free games like Banished. It is a simulation strategy game where you build a township keeping tabs on every aspect to make it run well.
As simple as it sounds, the game has a surprisingly high difficulty levels and will require you to be at your best.
The game starts with you as the town leader of a small refugee group that is trying to find a new life on a remote island. You will then be tasked with shaping how the town is built and what types of buildings are built.
NOTE: There is also an MMORPG version of the game released in 2018 on Steam that features a massive online multiplayer campaign versus other players in real-time.
- Release Date: 26th August 2016
- Developer: Mindillusion
- Platform Supported: PC (Microsoft Windows)
- Get it Here: Steam
3. Tropico 5
Website: http://www.tropico5.com/
Tropico 5 is also a type of construction based game and hence I included it in the list of games like banished. The theme of this game is semi-democratic and management simulation. It was developed by Heamimont Games and released in 2014.
Tropico 5 is obviously the 5th installment of the series and first time they feature the mode of multiplayer having 4 players in it. You can play this game on Windows, Linux, Xbox one, Xbox 360 and PS4.
This is an interesting kind of game where multiplayer mode can be co-op or Vs. You are supposed to do construction on the same island but it depends upon the players whether they want to do it together or against each other.
The gameplay is divided into 4 eras like Colonial, World Wars, Cold Wars and Modern times. This is one of those games like banished where you can see the visible progression in the game. The game is about moving from 19th century to 21st century through gameplay.
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2. From Dust
Website: https://www.ubisoft.com/
So, we are here again listing the god type video game for the list of games like banished. By now, you all must have known what God video games are all about. At least, the AI is giving you the opportunity to become God no matter only for some hours.
Well, coming to the point, From Dust is developed by Ubisoft Montpellier. It was released in 2011 and you can play this game over several platforms like Windows, Xbox 360, PS3 and Google Chrome.
The game is set from the first person perspective and you are set to play the role of God. This is about helping a tribe to enlighten their lost knowledge about them and the world. You are given a spherical cursor through which you perform various tasks.
The game runs in a face pace and you can restructure a place in just minutes. The game is divided between several missions. There is also an additional role of tribe’s Shaman whose work is to alert the player about natural disasters before they occur.
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6. Populous: The Beginning
Website: http://www.mobygames.com/
One of the most famous game in this list of games like banished is Populous: The Beginning. This is a real-time strategy based game and released as the 3rd installment of the populous series. The Beginning was released in 1998 by Electronic Arts and developed by Bullfrog Productions.
You can play this game on PlayStation and Windows. Developed through the Magic Carpet Engine, it has both single player and multiplayer support modes.
Populous was the first one in the entire series to use the 3D graphics. Can you now imagine the level of the game even after being released in 1998? The protagonist of this game is a female Shaman and she leads a tribe in a village.
The game is all about the tribe following Shaman and making decisions according to her. You need to tell them about construction and when to attack the enemies. You are supposed to fight against other tribes too to set up your dominance over them.
The player can even use magic spells and special powers to eliminate the other tribes.
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Tropico 6
Another name in the list of games like Banished is Tropico 6. Amidst political turmoil and social unrest, the populace demands exceptional leaders, who can skillfully navigate their country’s future with ingenuity and foresight. Tropico, an island state, beckons you to establish yourself as either a revered tyrant or a benevolent statesman, and to influence the destiny of your own banana republic across four distinct periods. Confront fresh challenges on the global stage, all while keeping the needs of your people paramount.
For the first time in the series, oversee vast archipelagos, construct bridges linking your islands, and use novel modes of transportation and infrastructure. Launch raids with your Tropican inhabitants to pilfer iconic marvels from around the globe, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty. Modify your palace as you see fit, and deliver speeches from your balcony to sway the opinions of your citizens and win their favor.
Dawn of Man
More than 10,000 years of human prehistory are covered in the survival and city-building video game known as Dawn of Man. The game begins in the Stone Age and continues on through the Iron Age.
You will have to face the obstacles that your environment will present you with and lead your people to survival, expansion, and evolution, much like our ancestors did. Gather a wide array of resources from the surrounding area, such as food, berries, water, and wood, as well as flint, stone, and ores. Make use of them in the preparation of food, the creation of tools, and the construction of buildings within your colony.
Kingdoms and Castles
Kingdoms and Castles is a city-building simulation game. The player builds a kingdom from the ground up. It begins with a small hamlet and ends with a large metropolis and an impressive castle.
Your kingdom needs to make it through a world that is alive and full of danger. Are your villagers frequently taken captive by the Viking raiders? Or are they halted, armed to the teeth with arrows, before the entrance to the castle? If a dragon burns down your granary and your people die of malnutrition throughout the winter, will you be able to repel the beast and save your people? Your prowess as a city and castle planner is the only factor that will determine how well your kingdom does.
Kingdoms And Castles
Last but not least in this top ten list is Kingdoms and Castles. In this game, your job is to grow your kingdom from a small town to a big city with a huge castle.
You will face plenty of challenges including viking raiders that will come to kill your peasants, steal resources or even burn down your town. Hence, you need to build a strong castle and fortify your defenses in the face of such impending attacks.
You also need to make sure that your peasants are fed and are free of plagues. They can be taxed so that you have enough money to do your building. There are also other features where you can throw festivals or even build churches.
Dawn of Discovery
Offering a perfect blend of real-time city management and all of Banished’s city-building dynamics, there is so much to love about Dawn of Discovery.
You start the game on a small ship on which you will travel to a small settlement where you will begin and build your civilization.
You will be tasked with monitoring everything from construction, combat, economy building, diplomacy with other settlements, and general world exploration. Basically, everything you loved doing in Banished!
Interacting with other people and their settlements and forming alliances will decide how big and successful your city gets.
- Release Date: 23rd June 2009
- Developer: Ubisoft Related Designs, Ubisoft Blue Byte
- Platform Supported: PC (Microsoft Windows)
Get it Here: Amazon
9. Towns
Website: http://www.townsgame.com/
Towns is a type of simulation game that I mentioned in this list of games like banished. Towns is developed and published by SMP. This game was released in 2012 and you will see it loosely inspired from Diablo, Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper.
Towns is a type of single player game which can played on platforms like Linux, Macs, and Windows.
Just like the other games like banished listed here, this is also basically a city building game. You will see and play the whole game in a top down perspective with multiple levels of height. The game is actually much diversified in terms of its visuals scenes.
You will see biomes like snow, greens, deserts, mountains etc. and you are required to do construction on them accordingly. You need to make sure that you are choosing the right biome for specific things. For example, Cacti can grow in deserts only whereas flowers in jungle.
You as a player starts this game along with 11 villagers in your team. You are supposed to gather resources and mark the areas for specific reasons and rooms. It is important to lead this game in an organized way otherwise you will get heavily confused later on.
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Forest Village
Forest Village is also a town building simulation game that requires a lot of strategy. Like Banished, this game also starts with a group of refugees who are restarting their lives again in a new place.
There are many things to do, like building houses, pastures, farms orchards and so on. You can even hunt for prey, go scavenging in the forest, grow animals and also crops. Like other similar games, you have a birds-eye view of the place but one unique thing is that you can actually use one of your villagers to get a 1st person view and explore.
This game also comes with many realistic features like diseases, food rations, changing weathers, disasters (e.g. tornadoes and lightning) and even seasons.
You should definitely check this game out.
Heroes of Might and Magic VII
This was a difficult one to place on this list and for good reason. Heroes of Might and Magic is a role-playing turn-based strategy game that offers players an immersive adventure experience, one of the top games like Banished but with different mechanics.
It features both a single-player and a multiplayer mode. In the game, you are thrust into making tactical decisions to fight your enemies while also building a base that others can’t beat.
Combining military, use of magic, and decision-making dynamics, there is so much to love about Heroes of Might and Heroes VII. So, if you are a fan of anything magic, you want to try this game out.
- Release Date: 29th September 2015
- Developer: Limbic Entertainment (Published by: Ubisoft)
- Platform Supported: PC (Microsoft Windows)
Get it Here: Steam
Prison Architect
Год выхода: 2015
«Prison Architect» – это симулятор управления тюрьмой. Геймеры окунутся в тюремную жизнь с головой
Осторожно! Игра затягивает со страшной силой
Сначала ты возведешь собственную тюрьму со множеством блоков. Обустроишь камеры, в которых будут находиться заключенные, а также другие помещения. В твои задачи входит найм сотрудников, формирование различных спецслужб. Кроме этого, тебе предстоит решать хозяйственные вопросы и следить за настроением заключенных.
Не забывай, что ты имеешь дело с заключенными, и если им что-то не понравится, они могут организовать бунт. Если камеры будут правильно построены, то им не удастся сбежать. Кстати, в случае побегов репутация твоих владений будет падать.
Kingdoms and Castles
Kingdoms and Castles – строительный симулятор, позволяющий взять под свое крыло небольшую средневековую деревеньку и превратить ее в роскошный замок, которому позавидовал бы сам Король Артур.
Для этого нужно будет возводить для своих поданных дома и таверны, следить за их счастьем, обустраивать производственные цепочки и оберегать свои владения от всевозможных бед и угроз. А их тут немало – в небесах порхают величавые и смертоносные драконы , по морям плывут кровожадные викинги, несколько упавших в сено угольков могут вызвать грандиозный пожар, а один заболевший чумой поданный может очень быстро заразить все селение.
Так что для максимальной выживаемости нужно грамотно планировать дорожную сеть, эффективно распределять колодцы и больницы и, конечно же, строить вокруг города укрепления и тренировать войска. К сожалению, русскоязычной версии игры пока не существует.
Год выхода: 2019
Перед тобой очень увлекательный игровой проект. «Forager» – это 2D-песочница с огромным открытым миром, большими возможностями и отсутствием каких-либо ограничений.
За этой игрой хочется проводить все свое время: исследовать мир, создавать, добывать, открывать тайны и строить практически из ничего! Ты отправишься на исследование мира, который подарит тебе массу положительных эмоций и возможностей. Этот мир полон загадок, поэтому тебе придется очень внимательно исследовать каждую локацию.
Ты начнешь с малого: будешь учиться охотиться, выживать, добывать полезные предметы, а потом построишь свою ферму, которая будет приносить тебе доход. Если тебе не по душе бизнес – ты сможешь торговать ценными предметами, а полученные деньги откладывать на развитие собственной империи.
Год выхода: 2016
В этой увлекательной игре ты будешь управлять гномами и возводить различные постройки. Твоя цель – создать процветающее королевство.
Продвинутая система крафтинга, непредсказуемый мир, полный опасностей, различные полезные ресурсы и пиксельная графика делают данный проект чем-то особенным.
Управляя гномами, ты создашь собственное королевство с замком, но для того, чтобы оно было защищенным, нужно позаботиться о ловушках, которые помогут отбивать атаки вражеских сил.
Сможешь ли ты построить собственное царство, имея всего несколько гномов, или же жестокий мир поглотит тебя? Проверь свои силы в «Gnomoria».
8. Startopia
Website: http://www.mobygames.com/
I am back again with the same space themed games like banished in this series. One such game is Startopia. This is a video game developed by Mucky Foot Productions and published by Eidos in 2001. This game is available to play on Windows only.
You get single player as well as multiplayer modes in the Startopia. The major objective of the game is developing the space stations into popular hubs. You will also get to see some lighthearted comedy and cartoonish characters in this game.
The plot of the game is set in an apocalyptic world which is set just after the galactic war. This left various space stations damaged and only a few left. Your task as a player is to repair them.
In these space stations, you need to make different rooms and hire aliens as the working staff in these stations. You can also play this game in sandbox mode and this is equally interesting too as the normal one.
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ClockWork Empires
ClockWork Empires – одна из игр типа Banished, где игроку предстоит управлять небольшой колонией храбрых поселенцев, отправившихся покорять неразведанные просторы. Главная фишка проекта – его стимпанковая стилистика, напоминающая о таких шедеврах игростроения, как легендарный Arcanum.
Точно так же, как и в своем духовном прародителе, в ClockWork Empires игроку предоставляется выбор между технологиями и магией. И то, и другое поможет колонистам добывать необходимые ресурсы и отбиваться от множества врагов, среди которых как банальные бандюги, так и хтонические человекорыбы.
Причем если дела пойдут совсем плохо, то психика ваших колонистов может не выдержать, и они могут создать какой-нибудь мерзкий культ, а то и поубивать друг друга. И даже если вам удастся победить локальный кризис, не факт, что его отголоски не настигнут вас в будущем, ведь все персонажи, кроме психики, обладают еще и памятью о поступках игрока.