Deathgarden: bloodharvest

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The Hunters: The Stalker

The Stalker

The Stalker. Has a big deer(?) skull for a helmet, and a ghillie suit. Has hearts-in-jars hanging from her hip. Is currently the only female Hunter, and is the face of the game. Anyone who wants to catch the Scavengers totally off guard, this Hunter is for you.

Her two unique abilities are Auto Hack, which auto-hacks crates when within interaction distance – usually you have enough time to both pick up, and auto-hack, any crate you are near – it can also auto-hack more than one crate at a time, if two or more are within interaction distance.. and the other ability is Marked Eye – which automatically reveals all game objects that are within 25 meters, letting you spot any crates nearby, in case you are looking for a specific one. Both are pretty useful, in my opinion.

Her main ability is Fade – Simply put, you go nearly invisible. Upgraded makes the invisibility last longer. If you fire your weapon, you become half-visible, but it will fade back to invisibility after a second or so. A lot of fun to use to sneak up on Scavengers and put some bullets + a quick shock into them to take them down fast, or send them into a panicked flight away from their current position – an excellent time to pull out a sniper rifle and ping them in the back. Also, you can Fade before you go to Execute someone, and you may trick other Scavengers into wasting their bolts, or into walking up to the Downed Scavenger, to try to revive them, earning you an extra kill.

WeaponsTrisynkt .45C
This weapon is a burst fire rifle, firing three rounds at a time. Is shared with The Inquisitor, and is my primary weapon on Stalker. I can usually use Fade to sneak up next to a Scavenger, and put two or three bursts into them, + a Shock, and that is usually enough to put them Down. Pretty good range, low recoil, low bullet spread. Decent damage. Upgrade lowers reload time.

Core Design TTX22
Decent sniper rifle with high damage. When you reload, the mag goes flying, which I find amusing. Unlimited range. Upgrade improves rate of fire. If you’re able to aim well and nail some head shots, takes people out quickly. Situationally good, for me. If someone is standing still, or running in a straight line, or predictably – great. Otherwise, I usually just stick to the burst rifle.

Mowzer 320
I personally have not unlocked or used it, as it felt unnecessary to do so, compared to the other sniper. It says it is automatic, and effective in hip-fire. Could be good, might check it out at some later point.

Extra XP % when Downing Scavengers.. felt like any other perk would be better than this one, but hey, if you do fine and don’t need any of the other perks, then this one can net you some bonus experience.

Hey, Down There
Downed Scavengers are revealed, for a few seconds. Can be upgraded to mark them for a longer duration. This is one of my choices, as I sometimes otherwise have difficulty figuring out where the body of the person I just Downed went flying off to, so it helps. One thing to note is that if someone is Cloaked, they will not be Marked or Revealed – This applies to this perk, Drones I believe, and also during the end of the round, where everyone is getting marked. Cloak prevents it all.

Power Booster (Fade)
Much like any other Power Booster, this lowers the cooldown of the appropriate ability – in this case, Fade. Very good, if you like being hidden, constantly, all the time. Between having a longer Fade duration from upgrading that ability, and having less cooldown, you can be near-invisible most of the time. My second choice.

Lucky Charm
Gives you a chance to gain one extra Power Core from crates – and consecutive failures raise the chance for it to happen even more. Could possibly be pretty useful, if you upgraded it a bunch, and didn’t care about the benefits of the other perks. Means you’d have to hunt for less Power Crates, and would save time on that, and be able to get more Drones up in that time. But it also means more Power Crates would exist for either you or the Scavengers to take, from you taking less, overall.

Power Shock
These last two perks probably go together. This one increases the damage of the Shock ability. Starts at 10%, can be upgraded to be more. If you heavily favor using Shock, this and the next perk are probably solid choices.

This one, like above, affects Shock – this one reducing the cooldown for it. Starts at -10% cooldown.

Dead by Daylight

Минимальные: ОС: Windows 7, Windows 8 , Windows 8.1 (64-бит)Процессор: Intel Core i3-4170 / AMD FX-8120 Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 460 1GB / AMD HD 6850 1GB Место на диске: 15 GB

Рекомендуемые:ОС: Windows 7, Windows 8 , Windows 8.1 (64-бит)Процессор: Intel Core i3-4170 / AMD FX-8300Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ Видеокарта: GeForce 760 / AMD HD 8800 Место на диске: 15 GB

Dead by Daylight – это приключенческая драма в жанре хоррор, с элементами выживания и асимметричным мультиплеером, в котором один игрок примеряет на себя роль дикого головореза, а оставшиеся четверо выживших пытаются удрать от убийцы, и избежать пыток и смерти.

Во время игры (как за убийц, так и выживших) вы постоянно будете сталкиваться с процедурными факторами. С каждым прохождением обстановка будет генерироваться случайно – точки спавна предметов для выживших, расположение строений и прочих вещей, необходимых для выживания, будут постоянно меняться. Кроме того, выжившие никогда не будут знать с каким порождением ада им придется столкнуться на этот раз.

Игра за обе фракции различается геймплейно – выжившие играют с видом от третьего лица, а убийца – от первого. Выбрав игрового персонажа, можно полностью настроить его характерные особенности и одеть по вкусу. По мере игры вы будете получать опыт, который позволит улучшать свое оборудование и открывать перки. Также можно получать бонусы и распространять их на весь отряд.

Оставшиеся в живых вольны выбирать стиль игры – выживать эгоистичным одиночкой или объединиться с друзьями в группу. В последнем случае гораздо больше шансов выжить, хотя бы из-за возможности спасти попавшего в руки убийцы партнера.

Средств выживания будет не очень много – фонарики, которыми можно слепить монстра, да шкаф, в котором можно спрятаться. Но если вы найдете время для исследования окрестностей, то обнаружите много полезного оборудования и комплектующих для модернизации. Цель выживших – активировать на карте несколько генераторов, что откроет путь к спасению.

Любители жестокости вволю отведут душу, играя за убийц, у которых есть огромные тесаки, бензопилы, капканы и даже паранормальные способности. В будущем пантеон убийц будет серьезно расширен – фанаты фильмов ужасов наверняка обнаружат в игре своих героев. В зависимости от персонажа изменится и геймплей – некоторые могут оставаться невидимыми, другие будут обладать возможностью видеть ауры людей, третьи быстрее всех передвигаться и т.д.

Dead by Daylight – очень атмосферная игра, особое внимание в которой необходимо уделять звукам – они могут помочь обнаружить убийцу или указать путь к спасительным генераторам. Кроме того, уникальные способности каждого героя, возможность глубокой настройки персонажей, модернизации оборудования и генерируемые уровни делают игру потенциальным хитом лета

Playing each side

Queues are extremely quick, especially for those playing Hunters. Scavengers are easy to pick up; Hunters take a little more finesse. There’s simply more to manage and master, including an exo-suit speed boost, unique weapons and abilities, and tracking down survivors.

While it takes longer to figure out the Hunter, it’s fascinating to see the game’s dynamics flip. When I hear the sound prompt that means the Hunter has a Scavenger in their sights, I have two distinct reactions. As a Hunter, I grin and sprint forward towards my prey. As a Scavenger, I whisper ‘no no no no no,’ and try to keep calm. The Hunter is a power fantasy; the Scavenger is a bite-sized horror experience. It’s tough for an asymmetrical multiplayer experience to create unique roles that are also both interesting and fun, but Deathgarden pulls it off.

It’s also worth noting that the Hunter queue is instant, but the Scavenger queue is a little longer — about one to two minutes, depending on the time of day. This is a stark contrast to Dead by Daylight, whose killers may wait for some time until enough people willing to play survivors sign up. This is because, well, Scavengers are just more fun. Each Scavenger is a little parkour ninja, and it’s satisfying to sprint, climb, and slide away from a Hunter.

One issue is that occasionally, I’ll find myself outclassed. A Hunter who clearly knows the game top to bottom will hunt Scavengers down and incapacitate them, then let them rez, and down them again so that they can achieve their challenges. When I am matched against opponents of equal skill, or at least people in the same ballpark as me, I have a blast. When I’m put against a veteran of the game in a Terminator skin, it’s a little less fun.

Behaviour Interactive


To keep the unwashed masses out of Utopia, you’ll be dropped into a randomly generated area and tasked to hunt them down.

To accomplish this, your primary objective is to prevent the scavengers from moving blood from the body-impaled collection point to the larger spires labelled “A”, “B”, and “C.” You don’t completely win or lose if a few escape, though a “hunter domination” is a satisfying victory.

It’s key to strike a balance between active hunting and maintenance activities. Active hunting involves unglueing your eyes from the ground and scanning the horizon for movement, active blood deposits, drone destructions, and broken drones.

Scavengers will, intentionally or unintentionally, divide your attention between different activities. Your first few pursuits will clue you into the caliber of your prey. Watch for what abilities they’re using, how recklessly they spend their power cores on those abilities, and how well they work together. You can also hold Tab while you’re waiting in the corral at the beginning of the match and look for the microphone icons next to their names.

For example, two microphones means that there will probably be two guys working together. When I first make contact, I notice that there’s a Ghost and a Sawbones working together to cloak and heal each other, respectively. I know that I won’t be able to kill them both outright, so my best chance is to hurt the Ghost and watch keenly for the orange line and impact bubble from his medic friend. Up to that point, I’ve made light chase of the Ghost so my magazine and stamina bars at 75% or more. As soon as I see the orange tracer, I hit supercharge and leave it on till the medic’s downed.



  • Smoke bomb arrows.
  • Smart ones will obscure themselves with a smoke plume, enter it, and fire another at a likely path of travel. Then he’ll wait in the first cloud before firing a second toward his actual path of travel. Counter this by standing still when you find yourself surrounded by smoke. Dashing into smoke-laden ruins is a sure way to lose your quarry.


  • Holographic clones.
  • Some teams will swarm you with clones when they come to the aid of their friends
  • Clones, will run, dodge, climb and draw aggro from The Inquisitor’s turrets, but not The Poacher’s mines


  • Healing arrow that produces a ~10 meter orange bubble with a cloud of DNA helices
  • Heals for ~25% on each hit
  • Can use it on herself, but that requires looking down while running. At this point, she may run into something that she can’t climb or slow down a bit for a nice finishing opportunity.
  • Get on top of downed scavengers immediately to start the execution
  • If you’re frustrated that you can’t pull off any executions, either find ways to bait the healer or take comfort in the fact that, by repeatedly killing the scavengers, you’re still keeping them from harvesting blood.


  • Seems to be the least popular pick
  • Shielding arrow that buffs himself or his teammates.
  • Doesn’t seem to apply much of a buff and might give away Switch’s clones (unconfirmed)


  • Cloaking arrow
  • Flashes on en-cloak and de-cloak– watch for the second flash to find out where he went
  • A few dusty footfalls may be visible for the first ~2 meters after en-cloak (unconfirmed)

Deathgarden. Новинка От Создателей Dead By Daylight.сабдей [1440P]

Waldemar HD 02:48:39

03.06.2019 03:03 2019-06-03T00:03:32Z


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The Scavengers: Fog & Switch


Fog has a good set of abilities and perks that I feel help him earn a place on every team of Scavengers. His two unique bonuses are Tear it Down, which gives him +50% damage towards Hunter Constructs, meaning you break drones, turrets, mines, etc, much faster than anyone else does – Pretty good. The other ability is Staying Alive, which gives you.. increased time before you Bleedout, when Downed. +50% time. Feels kinda pointless, though. You’ll either get executed before it matters, or get revived by your team before it matters, or find a health crate to revive yourself with, before it matters.

His main power is that he can shoot Smoke bomb bolts, which definitely are useful in situations. You can use them to help run interference on a Hunter, to distract him or get him off of one of your team mates or yourself. Upgrade makes the smoke last longer. His alternate power is Heal, which has its own uses that will be described on Sawbones. A tip for when you’re being chased by the Hunter, as Fog: When you shoot a smoke bomb, if you think the Hunter won’t run into it and use Shock – stay in the first smoke cloud, but shoot a second one off into the distance, 10-15 feet or so away from where you are. Make it look like you kept running. Shoot a third, even farther, if you would like. Just hope that he doesn’t come back to the first cloud. Hide yourself away in a bush. Stay out the Hunter’s line of sight.

Lets you move faster while crouched. It’s all right for some speed-sneaking, or if you’re tailing the Hunter, or chilling in some bushes and moving around a bit without running.. Probably better perks, though.

Ammo Opportunist
More bolts per ammo crate, more max ammo. It’s okay, if you want to stockpile ammo and shoot a bunch. Probably still better perks.

Fleet Feet
Gathering blood gives you a +50% movement speed boost for 5+ seconds. Lasts a short time, but can be helpful in getting away from a Hunter, or getting to the nearest Body Pile.

Heat Of The Moment
Move faster while Revealed. Eh. I suppose it would help you get away from whatever is Revealing you, maybe. Not too into this one, personally.

Delivering Blood gives you a 30-point shield for 10+ seconds. Good if you are expecting to get attacked by a Hunter while turning in Blood.

Sharing Is Caring
Gives you and all Scavengers within 15 meters bonus ammo from an Ammo Crate. Good if you’re working with at least one other person.


Switch is also a pretty good addition to the team, as her ability can be used very effectively to distract or confuse the Hunter. Her two unique bonuses are Revivalist: Revive with full health instead of 2/3 full, which is.. eh. And Lighten Your Load: delivering Blood grants a Speed boost of +50% for 50 seconds, which is pretty nice.

Her main power is Clone – Which creates a clone of her, that runs in random directions for a time, increasing as you upgrade it. The clones start out by running in the direction you fired it towards, so it may take some careful placement to be effective, but I have seen it used really well. Hilarious during Golden Crate moments.

PerksTreasure Hunter
I really like this perk – Collecting Blood reveals all crates and blood, within a distance. Upgrading makes the distance higher, to quite a range. Great for figuring out where you want to go next.

Herd Mentality
Improved stamina regeneration, as long as you’re within 15 meters of another Scavenger. Good for if you’re sticking with someone, or a group.

Size Matters
After delivering Blood, your interaction distance is increased by 4 meters, for 10+ seconds. Not a bad perk, could help in some situations.

Evade Master
Greater stamina regeneration. It’s all right, I guess. Better perks out there. Better if you’re going solo, otherwise, just take Herd Mentality

Sudden Insight
Reveals all nearby crates/blood out to 35+ meters, when you deliver blood. Felt unnecessary to have both this and Treasure Hunter. Whichever one works better for you.

Toil Together
The speed of blood gathering is increased for all Scavengers, when within 15 meters of them. Probably works pretty well when you have a good team who can stick together.


Well, I more or less just wanted to throw this together so that I could put what I know into the community, and hopefully it helps someone. I have seen people have issues with the game, as well as some who think that one side or the other is overpowered.

I do not feel like they are, from my experience. That it really does just come down to player skill. I have seen good and bad players on both sides, as well as exceptionally good and bad players, both sides, and I hope that with this guide I will be able to help people see that. But I digress. I have picked up some tricks while playing, learned things, and come up with my own tactics for situations and characters, and it is through sharing them that I hope people will come to like the game more, and do well.

Анна Охотница | Dead by Daylight

Приветствую, Пикабу) в отдельности приветствую всех фанатов игры Dead by Daylight, а в особенности тех, кто время от времени следит за моим рукож. кхм. творчеством) Представляю вашему вниманию нового маньяка, вышедшего из под моих лап –Анна..

Такой она была до покраски и наведения красоты:

Я самоучка – любитель )

Материалы: полимерная глина, акриловые краски, пастель, матовый лак закрепитель. Платочек на голову- ткань. А подставка выполнена из камней.. долго думала в каком стиле её выполнить)Посмотрим на неё со всех сторон..

Делала неспешно.. ушло больше двух месяцев с большими перерывами.

На мой взгляд, Анна- самый очаровательный персонаж:3А кто ваш любимый маньяк из игры Dbd ?

p.s. я здесь #GerdaGrim

Dead by daylight – Глава XIII: Очень Странные Дела – Тизер

19 августа новый анонс по DBD!

Демогоргон, Нэнси и Стив пополнят список персонажей Dead by Daylight!

Команда Dead by Daylight с гордостью представляет новую главу, под названием Dead by Daylight: Stranger Things.

Сущность поглощает небольшой среднезападный городок Хоукинс, и Очень Странные Дела – знаменитый сериал от Netflix, присоединяется ко вселенной Dead by Daylight.

Глава будет включать в себя нового Убийцу и двух Выживших: грозного и беспощадного Демогоргона, которому будет противостоять начинающая журналистка Нэнси Уилер и бывший школьный задира Стив Харрингтон, который теперь только и делает, что притягивает к себе новые проблемы.

Глава Очень Странные Дела также будет включать в себя новую карту – Подземный Комлекс. Он расположен под Национальной Лабораторией Хоукинса и стал причиной появления жутких тварей из другого измерения.

Глава Очень Странные Дела выйдет на ПК и консолях в сентябре.

P.S. Демогоргоны (названы Дастином Демопсами) — хищные существа с обратной стороны, альтернативного измерения. Демогоргоны обладают коллективным разумом и подчиняются Свежевателю Разума. Под его контролем они очень жестоки, жаждут убийств и обладают ограниченным умом. Демогоргоны очень умные существа. Их интеллект равен человеческому, так что они животными не являются.

Если вас заинтересовала информация по нему, то вы можете прочитать больше наДемогоргоны

The Hunters: The Poacher

The Poacher

Ahh, the Poacher. He looks a bit like a “The Hills Have Eyes” reject, wears a trench-coat, has 5 belts around his midsection, has steel toed boots. Was probably a school shooter in another life. I digress.

His two unique bonuses are ‘Bubble Buster’, giving you 25% increased Shock range, and ‘Ammo Hoarder’, increasing your reserve ammo capacity by 75%. Both are decent bonuses, in my opinion.

His unique, and very fun ability, is Proximity Mines! Lovely little packages of explosion, just waiting to be gifted to a lonely Scavenger. When you place them down, you will be able to see a large blue bubble around its location, to show where you have a mine. The Scavengers do not see it. They can, however, hear the beeping, and clever Scavengers can sometimes find, and shoot them. To counter this, do not put them out in the open. Hide them in bushes, and in shrubs, and put them down near key things – like health crates, Body Piles, and the three Towers. You can have a maximum of 15 mines down at a time, any more than that and the oldest one is removed, not detonated. I often will put down a mine or two in random bush-clusters that I find, as the mines have a decent range, and it can surprise wayward Scavengers. two or three mines is enough to put them in critical health, I think, and if you’ve mined any nearby health crates, you may just accidentally Down someone from across the map. One up/down side to downing someone with a Mine is that they will go flying. Can be funny to see – can make it harder to figure out exactly where they went, to Execute them. A well placed mine near the bushes on the cliffsides around the map may just insta-kill someone, if they get knocked off the world.

WeaponsPassam Hacksaw T24
A good ol’ fashioned LMG, for when you need a ton of bullets pointed in the enemy’s direction. I felt like it did not do a ton of damage per bullet, but I suppose that is why it has a very large magazine size of 120. Good range, and good damage if you can aim it well at fleeing, panicky Scavengers. Not terrible spread, which can even be improved upon with a perk. It’s got my vote, even if I use it more as a secondary. Upgrades increase mag size.

Jasper 67V
An automatic shotgun. It says ‘wide spread’, but it isn’t -that- bad, but it does have a lot of recoil. Upgrades reduce recoil, but eh.. I did not feel too impressed by it, and switched to the other shotgun.

Flynn SN14
The other shotgun – Narrow spread, pretty good range, and nice damage. Upgrades raise the damage even more. If you can nail some good shots, puts people down pretty quickly. I use it as a primary.

It sounds funny – having ammo restored when a scavenger ragdolls at least 5 meters.. but when you think about it, that is probably only going to be when you down them. Doesn’t feel like a very useful perk.

Extra Toppings
You get more ammo from ammo crates. Upgraded, starts to give a fair amount. One of my choices.

Bigger Clipper
Increased magazine size. Kind of felt unnecessary, but I suppose there are situations where it would help – having to reload less, because all of your ammo is already in the gun.

LMG Compensator
Reduces your max bullet spread for the LMG – If you use the LMG a lot, this one will probably be for you. I use the shotgun more than the LMG though, so I passed on it. Probably not a bad perk, though.

Power Booster (Mines)
As someone who uses mines a ton – Yes. So much yes. The perk that lowers Mine cooldown, meaning you can throw down mines to your hearts content. If you like using the mines, this perk is for you.

Stamina Freak
Gives you increased max stamina. Possibly useful if you want to do a lot of supercharging, but felt unnecessary to me, so I passed on it.

The basics of Bloodharvest

Each match has five Scavengers and one Hunter. The Hunter is invincible, equipped with powerful abilities, and packs an arsenal of weaponry. Scavengers are fast, hard to spot, capable of climbing terrain, and have unique abilities that help them evade and escape. The Scavengers have one ability and a small bow and arrow; they’re otherwise helpless. The Hunter is a first person shooter, the Scavengers have a third person view and few offensive capabilities.

The Scavengers have to wait out a timer; once it ends, they can escape through exits around the map. They can also collect blood and turn it in at pillars around the map. This is far riskier, but once 125 blood has been turned in, the end game triggers. The Hunter can also trigger an early end game by killing all Scavengers but one.

While blood pick-up and drop-off centers form the major objectives on the map, there are also detection drones, ammo crates, power cores, and even rare ‘golden crates’ which give unlimited resources to whoever claims it.

Behaviour Interactive

The main tension of Deathgarden comes from choices. Do I help a fellow Scavenger in trouble, or stay safe? As a Hunter, do I take advantage of supplies around the map for myself, or mark them so they’ll reveal Scavengers? Do I go for a golden crate spawn, or an objective? These little choices make up the tension of a 10-minute round, and keep things feeling fresh.

There are three in-game currencies: blood, gold, and iron, which upgrade and unlock characters. Currencies are awarded through in-game actions, like turning in Blood or using a Hunter’s abilities. These challenges encourage players to move through the map and interact with each other, setting up encounters and conflict. Even if I don’t escape, I may have completed a challenge to turn in blood in the first minute of a match, or gained a level by performing well. There’s a steady rhythm of numbers going up and little achievements being filled that form a cadence throughout every individual round.

Behaviour Interactive

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: